Thursday, July 30, 2009

Perbandingan Beberapa Seri Motherboard Gigabyte

Anda ingin membeli komputer? Mungkin gambar-gambar motherboard berikut ini dapat dijadikan acuan untuk pembelian motherboard, Gambar/spesifikasi motherboard Gigabyte dapat Anda download disini! Photo Album Motherboard OpenOffice.jpg

Shared via AddThis

Moga koleksi kecil penulis ini dapat membantu Anda menentukan pilihan motherboard yang akan dibeli/dipakai. Jika Anda ingin informasi spesifikasi motherboard secara detail dan hardware support dapat diakses di IT Today's

IT Today's

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sponsor Utama

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Monday, July 27, 2009

PayPal untuk Transaksi dan Bisnis Online?

Bagaimanakah cara menarik uang dolar kita dari itu adalah salah satu pertanyaan yang ditujukan ke email saya. Mungkin pengantar ini dapat menjelaskan sedikit kegundahan tersebut.

PayPal adalah salah satu perusahaan yang cerdik melihat peluang yang ditimbulkan dari bergam aktivitas online. Sebagai salah satu dari sekian banyak payment gateway yang ada, perusahaan ini berusaha membuat dirinya menjadi media transaksi bisnis yang fast, easy, dan secure.

Dengan menggunakan akun PayPal, kini setiap orang bisa menerima dan mengirim uang melalui internet dengan cepat, mudah dan lebih aman jika dibandingkan memakai kartu kredit. Bagi perusahaan atau pemilik bisnis, PayPal juga menyediakan beragam tool yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menunjang penjualan produk atau jasa.

Kabar baiknya, PayPal saat ini sudah bisa dimanfaatkan oleh para pengguna dari Indonesia untuk sekadar menerima, mengirim atau menarik uang, maupun untuk menunjang aktivitas bisnis.

Anda penasaran dengan PayPal? Anda dapat menemukannya di buku
PayPal untuk Transaksi dan Bisnis Online
karangan Taufik Hidayat terbitan dari PT Elex Media Komputindo ( Buku ini berisi pengenalan dan panduan mengenai PayPal yang bisa dimanfaatkan baik oleh individu maupun perusahaan yang ingin menggunakan alternatif pembayaran online secara cepat, mudah, dan aman.

Pembahasan dimulai dari pengenalan PayPal, proses pendaftaran, pengenalan fitur-fitur yang dimiliki PayPal, cara menjual dengan PayPal, pembuatan tombol pembayaran pada website atau toko online, cara melakukan penarikan uang melalui ATM bank lokal, sampai dengan peluang bisnis yang bisa dijalankan melalui PayPal.

Sumber: Taufik Hidayat (2009), PayPal untuk Transaksi dan Bisnis Online, PT . Elex Media Komputindo - Jakarta


IT Today's


Artikel terkait:

Meraup dolar bersama

Perbandingan beberapa seri motherboard gigabyte

Friday, July 24, 2009

Meraup Dolar bersama

Article source:

Jika Anda pencinta dunia maya (sering melakukan surfing maupun browsing). Pastilah Anda "sering" melihat website menawarkan uang yang melimpah dengan berbagai cara. Baik dengan cara mentransfer uang ataupun yang sejenisnya. Mungkin Anda percaya atau bahkan mungkin menganggapnya sebagai sampah di dunia maya.

" Ziddu" apaan tuh?!?! Bagi rekan-rekan yang menyukai download artikel atau gambar, mungkin telah akrab dengan situs ini. Penulis hanya berusaha memanfaatkan "Ziddu" sebagai tempat penghasil uang. Bagaimana hal ini bisa terjadi? Bagaimana cara kerjanya? Bagaimana mungkin itu terjadi? Itu mungkin berbagai pertanyaan yang ada di benak Anda semua.

Penulis berusaha menjelaskannya secara sederhana, semoga ada manfaatnya. Seseorang yang telah terdaftar di "Ziddu" dapat melakukan upload (unggah) file yang ingin dikirim pada orang lain, setelah diunggah maka file tersebut bisa di sharing (dibagi) dan file tersebut dapat di download (diunduh) oleh orang lain. Berikut langkah mendaftar sebagai member di "Ziddu":

  1. Masuklah ke blog, atau klik disini!!
  2. Klik banner "Ziddu, Sign Up", browser Anda akan menampilkan form aplikasi pendaftaran sebagai anggota. Isilah Name, Email, Password, Confirm Password dan ketik huruf verifikasi dikotak Verify Code, serta beri tanda centang sebagai tanda Anda menyetujui aturan yang berlaku.
  3. Klik submit.
  4. Segera lakukan upload file yang akan Anda jadikan sebagai penghasil dollar.
  5. Anda akan mendapat konfirmasi untuk mengirim alamat file yang ter upload tersebut ke email teman-teman Anda, agar mereka bisa men downloadnya.
  6. Sharing file tersebut, dan selamat menunggu dolar yang akan masuk.

Semakin Anda aktif mempromosikan artikel tersebut, maka semakin banyak orang yang akan tertarik dan mendownload artikel Anda. Just do it! Action now!

Sekarang yang jadi pertanyaan; apa yang mau di upload, Anda jangan terlalu bingung mencari yang bukan keahlian Anda. Tapi sesuatu yang mungkin kecil bagi kita, bisa mempunyai arti yang besar bagi orang lain, jadi jangan sungkan untuk berbagi ilmu dengan teman atau kerabat kita (bahkan dengan orang lain yang tidak kita kenal) karena itu adalah asset yang harus Anda kembangkan.

Misal Anda menyukai fotografi dan ingin dikenal karya Anda, maka foto yang Anda hasilkan dapat di upload, sharing, dan earn money. Contoh lain Anda suka menulis artikel, yang mungkin selama ini tidak pernah diterima oleh penerbitan karena berbagai macam alasan atau dalih. Artikel tersebut bisa Anda jadikan sebagai alat penghasil dolar dengan menguploadnya di ziddu.

Selain dengan jalan mengemail link alamat file tersebut ke teman-teman kita, Anda juga bisa kirim komentar di di facebook sambil menyertakan link file tersebut agar diketahui dan di download oleh orang lain. Lain halnya dengan Anda yang mempunyai website atau blog, Anda dapat menampilkan link file tersebut di website atau blog Anda. Kunjungi atau untuk melihat contoh link ke ziddu

Untuk belajar bikin website secara offline dapat Anda download 2 file program opensource berikut: WampServer 2.0c dan Joomla 1.5.6 Stable Full Package

Bagi Anda yang ingin punya blog tapi belum faham cara dan langkahnya, dapat mendownload Langkah Bikin Blog. Selamat berkreasi dan jangan biarkan Anda online tanpa dapat hasil apa-apa alias hanya dapat curhat atau komentar yang maaf tidak ada manfaatnya alias menghabiskan waktu dan uang Anda. Jadikan facebook sebagai tempat iklan Anda dan manfaatkan facebook untuk memperluas market Anda. Selamat meraup dolar, moga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.

IT Today's


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tip & Triks Mempercepat Proses Booting

Anda jengkel saat mematikan komputer? ataukah jengkel dengan proses booting yang terlalu lama? Haruskah Anda mengganti hardware komputer? Mungkin itu solusi yang mudah tapi bagaimana dengan dana yang harus kita keluarkan?

Jika itu masalah yang sedang Anda hadapi sekarang, mungkin panduan kecil yang PC Media berikan buat Anda bisa jadi solusi alternatif, sebelum Anda mengganti hardware komputer Anda yang mungkin memerlukan dana yang relatif mahal.

Silahkan dapatkan artikelnya disini

Selain itu Anda akan mendapatkan tip & trik membuat USB Linux

IT Today's

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Menghitung Sisa Cuti Karyawan & Membuat Rapor Elektronik dengan Ms. Excel

Para pegawai dan atasan sering perlu mengetahui informasi mengenai hari libur pegawai, termasuk berapa banyak sisa cuti mereka, berapa banyak cuti sakit yang telah mereka gunakan, dan apakah mereka masih punya cuti lagi... Jika Anda seorang HRD yang mengalami hal tersebut di atas, mungkin Workshop Excel dari PC Media tahun 2006 berikut dapat membantu menyelesaikan pekerjaan Anda...

Di dalam Workshop ini juga mengulas tentang bagaimana cara Membuat Agenda Meeting yang mungkin dapat bermanfaat bagi Anda... Selamat mencobanya...

Artikel selengkapnya silahkan download di Workshop Excel

Selain mengulas tentang bagaimana menghitung sisa cuti bagi HRD, workshop ini juga membahas bagaimana cara seorang guru Membuat Buku Rapor Elektronik, Semoga Workshop kecil ini dapat mempercepat pekerjaan Anda...

Untuk mendownload klik Workshop Excel

IT Today's

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Langkah-langkah Membuat Blog

Anda seorang yang tertarik dengan dunia maya? Jika iya... tentunya Anda telah mengenal "Blog". Saat ini sangat mudah dan cepat kita membuat Blog. Penulis berusaha mencoba membuat panduan singkat bagaimana membuat Blog.

Tiada kata sulit dalam dunia komputer. Sesungguhnya yang kita perlukan hanyalah keuletan dan seringnya mengasah kemampuan kita, jika Anda mau mencoba dan terus berusaha pasti Alloh SWT memberi kemudahan... Sesungguhnya setelah kesulitan pasti disertai dengan kemudahan.

Penulis berusaha menulis sebuah panduan pembuatan Blog melalui, jika Anda tertarik artikel tersebut silahkan klik disini!

Selamat mencoba membuat Blog, dan moga artikel kecil ini dapat bermanfaat bagi Anda...
Semoga Anda dapat berbagi ilmu Anda dengan yang lain melalui blog yang Anda buat....

Just do it....! Action, now...!

Step by step How to make a blog
Langkah Posting Artikel di Blog

IT Today's

Friday, July 17, 2009

Bermain Effect di Adobe Photoshop

Adobe photoshop, merupakan sebuah software yang digunakan untuk melakukan pengeditan gambar (image), alias dapat digunakan untuk menggabung beberapa gambar menjadi satu kesatuan yang mungkin sulit untuk dilakukan. Anda punya beberapa foto yang ingin gabung menjadi satu foto, saat itulah Anda memerlukan Adobe Photoshop.

Tatkala kita menggabung beberapa foto menjadi satu foto yang kreatif dan sulit dilihat rekayasanya, saat inilah Anda memerlukan tip dan triks yang sebenarnya simpel. Penulis hanya ingin berbagai sesuatu koleksi PC Media Workshop Photoshop 2006 yang mungkin dapat meningkatkan kemampuan Anda memanipulasi gambar.

Bagi rekan yang baru belajar photoshop mungkin hadiah kecil ini dapat menambah kemampuan Anda berkreasi dengan beberapa tip & triks dari Workshop Photoshop tersebut

Semoga sesuatu yang kecil ini dapat menjadikan Anda seorang ahli memanipulasi gambar, yang mungkin Anda perlukan untuk mendesain sebuah cover buku maupun hanya sekedar menggabung beberapa foto kenangan menjadi satu poster yang kreatif...

Ingin belajar tip & trik tersebut, silahkan klik Workshop Photoshop

IT Today's

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Installation of Memory


Before installing the memory modules, please comply with the following conditions:

  1. Please make sure that the memory used is supported by the motherboard. It is recommended that memory of similar capacity, specifications and brand be used.
  2. Before installing or removing memory modules, please make sure that the computer power is switched off to prevent hardware damage.
  3. Memory modules have foolproof insertion design. A memory module can be installed in only one direction. If you are unable to insert the module, please switch the direction.

The motherboard supports DDRII memory modules, whereby BIOS will automatically detect memory capacity and specifications. Memory modules are designed so that they can be inserted only in one direction. The memory capacity used can differ with each slot.

Step 1, The DIMM socket has a notch, so the DIMM memory module can only fit in one direction. Insert the DIMM memory module vertical into the DIMM socket. Then push it down.

Step 2, Close the plastic clip at both edges of the DIMM sockets to lock the DIMM module. Reverse the installation steps when you wish to remove the DIMM module. Dual channel Memory Configuration

For example: GA-945P-S3 supports the Dual Channel Technology. After operating the Dual Channel Technology, the bandwidth of the memory bus will double. The GA-945P-S3 includes 4 DIMM sockets, and each Channel has two DIMM sockets as following:

  1. Channel 0 : DDRII1, DDRII2

  2. Channel 1 : DDRII3, DDRII4

If you want to operate the Dual Channel Technology, please note the following explanations due to the limitation of intel chipset specifications.

  1. Dual Channel mode will not be enable if only one DDRII memory module is installTo enable Dual Channel mode with two or four memory modules (It is recommended that memory of the same capacity, brand, size, chips, and speed be used), you must install them into DIMM sockets of the same color.

The following is a Dual Channel Memory configuration table:






2 memory modules









4 memory modules





(DS: Double Side, SS: Single Side, X: Empty)

IT Today's


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

BIOS Troubleshooting

Below is a collection of general asked questions. To check general asked questions based on a spesific motherboard model, please log on to

Question 1: I cannot see some options that were included in previous BIOS after updating BIOS. Why?

Answer: Some advanced option are hidden in new BIOS version. Please press Ctrl and F1 keys after entering BIOS menu and you will be able to see these options.

Question 2: Why is the light of my keyboard/optical mouse still on after computer shuts down?
Answer: in some boards, a small amount of electricity is kept on standby after computer shuts down and that's why the light is still on.

Question 3: How do I clear CMOS?

Answer: If your board has a Clear CMOS jumper, please refer to the Clear CMOS steps in the manual. If yor board doesn't have such jumper, you can take off the on-board battery to leak voltage to clear CMOS. Please refer to the steps below:

Step 1, Turn off power.

Step 2, Disconnect the power cord from MB.

Step 3, Take out the battery gently and put it aside for about 1 minute (Or you can a metal object to connect the positive and negative pins in the battery holder to makethem short for

5 seconds).

Step 4, Re-insert the battery to the battery holder.

Step 5, Connect the power cord to MB again and turn on power.

Step 6, Press Del to enter BIOS and load Fail-Safe Default (or load Optimized Defauts)

Step 7, Save changes and reboot the system.

Question 4: Why do I still get a weak sound after turning up the speaker to the maximum volume?

Answer: Please make sure the speaker you are using is equipped with internal amplifier. If not, please change another speaker with power/amplifier and try again later.

Question 5: Sometimes I hear different continous beeps from computer after system boots up. What do these beeps usually stand for?

Answer: The beep codes below help you identify the possible computer problems. However, they are only for reference purposes. The situations might differ from case to case.

AWARD BIOS Beep Codes:

1 short: System boots succesfully

2 short: CMOS setting error

1 long 1 short: DRAM or M/B error

1 long 2 short: Monitor or display card error

1 long 3 short: Keyboard error

1 long 9 short: BIOS ROM error

continous long beeps: DRAM error

continous short beeps: Power error

Source: GA-945P-S3 User's Manual

IT Today's


Monday, July 13, 2009

How to Reflash the BIOS

A. Reflash Bios in MS-DOS Mode

1. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to your hard disk(s) or floppy disk. This procedure assumes drive A.

2. Restart the computer in MS-Dos mode. (For Windows 2000/XP, you need a startup disk to restart the computer in MS-DOS mode)

3. Change the command prompt to A:\>

4. To back up the current BIOS, at the A:\>prompt, type [BIOS flash utility name] -s [BIOS file name] (example: gvf18 –s X73G8DR.f1) and press Enter.

5. To flash BIOS, at the A:\> prompt, type [BIOS flash utility name] –p [BIOS file name] (example: gvf18 –p X73G8DR.f2) and press Enter.

6. Wait until it’s done, then restart your computer.

B. Reflash BIOS in Windows Mode
1. After installing the display drivers, you will find a GBT icon in the lower-right corner of the Taskbar. Right-click to select the @VGA utility

2. Update BIOS through the internet
- Select the Live Update check box and click Flash. Then @ VGA will automatically download the BIOS for your card from GBT @VGA server and do the update for you. (@VGA will not download/update the BIOS if it detects the current BIOS on your card is the latest one).

3. Update BIOS NOT through the internet
- Download the BIOS ZIP file for your card from GBT website and extract it to your hard disk (or floppy disk).
- Select the From Local File check box and the click Flash.
- Select the BIOS file from your hard disk (or floppy disk).
- Complete the update procedure following on-screen instructions.

Source: Geforce 7100 GS, 7200 GS and 7300 GS manual book

IT Today's

Computer Hardware Conflicts (By Chris Paxton)

Our computers have many different parts inside them that all need to work together. It is imperative that they run concurrently with no problems. When we take apart a computer we are left with many individual components. These components we find are graphics cards, RAM, processor, cooling fans, power units, hard drives, CD drives, wireless cards, special media card readers, sound cards, battery packs, that are all connected to the mother board. If one of these parts doesn't like the other it can cause major errors for your computer and how your computer may run. It could even result in your computer running slower than normal.

For example, in one of our company's computer that was built by us we had a graphics card that did not like the mother board connection for some reason. Unfortunately we did not know this at the time and it took us about two weeks to figure it out. This caused the graphics to constantly have a delay. Sometimes the delay was tolerable but other times the delay was so bad that you would move the mouse and the pointer would start to move on the screen 5 seconds after we moved the mouse. We would shut down the computer properly and restart and most of the time it ran perfect again like it had no problem at all but later on it started to act up again. We updated all the drivers, talked to the people that make the graphics card, changed out the monitor thinking it was that. After working out all the bugs that naturally come with a self-built computer we found a guy that worked for the company that produced the mother board that we were using and even though they claimed that our graphics card was compatible he admitted obviously it wasn't. He swapped out our graphics card for free and our computer has never been stronger.

If you build your own computer you are taking on the risk of having hardware conflicts. The good part of this story is that in today's world many of the companies that make these components are doing their best to make sure everything is universal. People are working day in and day out to make sure the hardware/components of your computer are programmable so that they can make everything compatible with just a simple software adjustment or driver upgrade. If you have a conflict among your hardware you can still get the maximum performance out of the components you have picked. A simple driver update can do the trick and keep you away from having a slow computer or the frustrating process of trying to find out what the problem is.

Help Slow Computer can help with any questions that you may have or would like to bring up. Speeding Up Your Computer is something that you can do on your own and we can help.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The High Cost of Inkjet Printer Cartridges (Peter Stroud)

Inkjet printers offer a print technology that offers professional printing for the home and small business user at a minimal cost, often for the cost of one or two hundred dollars. Unfortunately the exorbitant cost of the replacement ink cartridges soon brings the dreamers of d.i.y. high quality printing (which lends itself to the concept of savings) back to earth.

A set of ink cartridges often cost more than a new printer.

In fact at one stage in the evolution of inkjet printers, it was cheaper to buy a new Canon BJC210 printer which contained both a black and color cartridge, than it was to buy a new black, and a new color cartridge for the same printer from a retailer! It is obvious from this example to work out where the profit for the printer / cartridge manufacturer was.

With the high cost of replacement inkjet cartridges there are many developments in the market for reducing the cost of printing with desktop inkjet printers.

Options included:

* compatible inkjet cartridges
* refilling inkjet cartridges
* continuous inkjet delivery systems

Each of these alternatives offers ways to reduce the high cost of manufacturers inkjet cartridges while still producing quality inkjet prints.

Savings varied with the method employed and the type of cartridge involved.

Savings from as little as 10-20% are offered by some compatible cartridges. Other "simple" cartridges which contain very little technology often offer savings around 60%.

Refilling inkjet cartridges often saves of around 50% where the end user employs the services of a professional refiller, while refilling a cartridge as end user gives greater savings (and sometimes greater frustration).

The greatest saving can be achieved with many inkjet printers is by using one of the alternative continuous ink supply systems. Due to the investment of the ink supply system, a reasonable volume of printing is required to return the greater savings.

Continuous ink supply systems can offer savings of over 90%.

Peter Stroud has had a hands on role with the cartridge remanufacturing industry over a period of 10 years. The website continuous inkjet ink system references many of the ink systems and associated suppliers of continuous ink system components.

Epson printers have traditionally been a favourite of continuous ink system suppliers epson stylus photo 1400.

Article Source:

Learn How to Install Joomla on Your Website in 2 Minutes Or Less oleh Muhammad Jalloh

You can learn how to install Joomla on your website in a number of ways. However, the simplest and by far, the quickest is through Fantastico. This usually takes about 1-2 minutes once you know how. In this article, we are going to cover just that.

So, here is the step by step process for installing Joomla on your own website.

  1. Log in to your hosting account's Control Panel. This should usually be, where 'mydomainnane' is replaced your own website that is hosted on that hosting account.
  2. Look for the smiley icon that says "Fantastico" and click on it. This is where you will be installing the Joomla package from. Note that Sometimes, it may say "Fantastico De Luxe." Don't worry it is the same thing. Much like saying "my room" and "my bedroom" ;)
  3. Look for "Joomla" under the "Content Management" category of scripts in Fantastico and click on it. Also, note that the title 'Joomla' may sometimes have some numerical suffixes showing which version it is. For example, the title may read "Joomla 1.5" for version 1.5 of the CMS. Just click on the most recent version and go to the next step.
  4. Look for the hyperlinked blue "New Installation" link and make sure you have at least as much as the minimum disk space required for you to install Joomla on your website. This is usually about 25 MB of disk space. This is not usually a problem, with most people's disk space running into the tens of gigabytes. But it is still good to make sure you have enough to hold a new Joomla installation.
  5. Choose where on your website you want to install Joomla. Will it be on your main domain, an existing sub-domain or a new not-yet-existing sub-domain or directory? Indicate it in this part of the installation process.
  6. Fill out other required fields that are required to smoothly install Joomla on the site. This includes creating an Admin username and password. Don't choose 'Admin' and 'password' as your username and password. Many people do this and have been hacked. Also, fill out the site name or main keyword, email address and other details here. Then click the "Install Joomla" button.
  7. On the next page, make sure that all the needed information is correct. Also, note down your Admin username, password and backend page (the one that ends with /administrator). Finally, hit that "Finish Installation" of a button.

Voila! You have just learned how to install Joomla on your website. This should usually take only 1 or 2 minutes at most. After all, all you are doing is just hitting buttons, except for when choosing a username, etc.

If it still sounds a little like "nerd talk" (with all due respect to all the nerds out there ;) ), you can watch the video version of this article where you see the installation done live on the screen and see if you can learn how to install Joomla after that.

Muhammad Jalloh is the creator of dozens of Joomla Video Tutorials to help you learn how to create, design and manage your own Joomla website quickly and easily. You can read or view other tutorials on

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